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Lovedale Tidings - August 2024 

Erudition Explorers: Inter-House Humanities Quiz Competition - Senior School

The much-awaited “Erudition Explorers” Inter-House Humanities Quiz Competition for the Senior School was held on August 29, 2024. This intellectually stimulating event featured multiple rounds, challenging participants in History, Geography, Psychology, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, and Political Science.

Brimming with enthusiasm, the competition served as a dynamic platform for students to display their extensive knowledge and curiosity.



First Position: Sumeru House - 125 points

  1. Gopika S., Class 12 C

  2. Nirupama Sudhir, Class 12 B

  3. Vedang Gupta, Class 12 A

  4. Vansh Agarwal, Class 12 A

Second Position: Nilgiri House - 110 points

  1. Anushka Fogla, Class 12 B

  2. Yashas Chandra, Class 12 C

  3. Khushal Mantri, Class 12 A

  4. Kamalini Ramesh, Class 12 C

Third Position: Vindhya House - 90 points

  1. Bismi Aqib, Class 11 C

  2. Agnidipto Nanda, Class 11 B

  3. Zaira Fathima, Class 12 C

  4. Nishika Tanna, Class 12 A

Tamil Inter-House Poem Recitation Competition

The Tamil Inter-House Poem Recitation competition was held on 28 August 2024 from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM at the Senior School MUN room. The event saw enthusiastic participation from approximately 23 boys and girls, making the competition both intense and challenging to judge.

The students delivered outstanding performances, reciting a diverse range of Tamil poems across five distinct categories: Sangam, Bhakti, Sitrilakkiyam, Ikkala Ilakkiyam, Nattuppura Ilakkiyam, and the epic Silappathikaram. Each participant demonstrated a deep understanding and passion for Tamil literature, bringing the beauty and richness of the language to life.

The event was honored by the presence of Ms. Latha, Ms. Kavitha, the Headboy, the Vice Headgirl, and the Prefects of the Senior School. Their presence added to the significance of the occasion. The Headboy expressed admiration for the students’ performances and praised the effort and dedication put forth by each participant.

Overall, the event was a resounding success, reflecting the students’ love for Tamil literature and their exceptional talent in oratory.



















Senior School Inter-House French Poem Recitation Competition

The Senior School Inter-House French Poem Recitation competition took place on 28 August 2024 in the Senior School Large Hall at 3:30 PM. The event featured 16 students from grades 9 and 10, showcasing their talent in French poetry.


  Mrs. Preslin– Business Studies Teacher, Mrs. Ramya S – French Teacher and Nirupama Sudhir – XII, Head Girl


   Shambhavi Kaushal – Grade 10

The competition was a celebration of the students' proficiency in French literature, with each participant delivering impressive recitations across various French poems.

Individual Results

Class 9:

  • First Position      : Sia Kaul Pandita (Vindhya)

  • Second Position: Indraneel Roy (Nilgiri)
                                Isabelle M Joseph (Vindhya)

  • Third Position   : Adhyaa Aran (Aravalli)
                                Priyanshu H S (Sumeru)

Class 10:

  • First Position: Adrika Zaara Arun (Nilgiri)

  • Second Position: Aiyana Singh (Sumeru)

  • Third Position: Tansi Prakash (Aravalli)

Overall House Results

  1. Nilgiri     -  252 points

  2. Aravalli  -  248 points

  3. Vindhya -  245.5 points

  4. Sumeru -  230.5 points

The Inter-House French Poem Recitation competition was a remarkable event, highlighting the students' deep appreciation and talent in French poetry. Nilgiri House emerged as the winner with the highest points, followed by Aravalli, Vindhya, and Sumeru. The competition was marked by enthusiastic participation and exceptional performances from all students.

Inter-House Hindi Poem Recitation Competition

The Inter-House Hindi Poem Recitation competition was held on 28 August 2024 for the students of Class IX and X. The event showcased the eloquence and creativity of our students in Hindi poetry. Here is a detailed summary of the competition results and the overall house standings.

Class IX Results

  • First Position: Aashna (Sumeru House) - 47 points

  • Second Position: Divyan Chaubey (Vindhya House) - 46.5 points

  • Third Position: Verushka Chhikara (Nilgiri House) - 44 points

Class X Results

  • First Position: Siri Suresh (Sumeru House) - 47.5 points

  • Second Position: Keya Rawani (Aravalli House) - 46.5 points

  • Third Position: Namith D Puttachi (Nilgiri House) - 45.5 points

Overall House Standings

  1. Vindhya House - 179 points

    • Class IX: 46.5 points (Second Position)

    • Class X: 132.5 points (Second Position)

  2. Nilgiri House - 169.5 points

    • Class IX: 44 points (Third Position)

    • Class X: 125.5 points (Third Position)

  3. Sumeru House - 161 points

    • Class IX: 47 points (First Position)

    • Class X: 114 points (First Position)

  4. Aravalli House - 157.5 points

    • Class IX: Not in top positions

    • Class X: 157.5 points (Second Position)

The competition was a great success and highlighted the impressive skills of our students in Hindi poetry. Vindhya House emerged as the overall winner, thanks to strong performances across both classes. Nilgiri House followed closely in second place, with Sumeru House and Aravalli House securing third and fourth positions, respectively.

The event was well-received, and we commend all participants for their hard work and dedication. Congratulations to the winners and their respective houses for their outstanding performances!

District Collector Smt. Lakshmi Bhavya Tanneeru I.A.S Inspires the Students at The Lawrence School, Lovedale

On August 26, 2024, The Lawrence School, Lovedale had the honor of hosting the District Collector of The Nilgiris, Smt. Lakshmi Bhavya Tanneeru I.A.S. Her visit had a lasting impact on students and staff, starting with a formal Guard of Honour.

In her address to the students, the District Collector shared her experiences as a former boarding school student, drawing parallels with their own lives. She praised The Lawrence School for maintaining its esteemed historical legacy while fostering an environment of innovation and learning. Her words resonated deeply as she emphasized the importance of perseverance and the value of education in shaping her career. Following her speech, she engaged in a lively question-and-answer session with the students. Her candid responses and encouragement left a lasting impression.

Afterward, she toured the campus and admired the school’s rich heritage and stunning architecture. Her visit was a powerful reminder of the heights that can be achieved with dedication and determination, inspiring our students to aspire to careers in civil service.

A Memorable Janmashtami Celebration at Prep School

On August 26, 2024, a group of 22 eighth-grade girls showcased a remarkable Dandiya dance performance at the Prep School Basketball Court around 5:30 p.m. The event was attended by the Headmaster, Deputy Headmaster, Dean of Assessments, MIC-PS, and the Prep School students.

The performance depicted the life of the revered eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna, with Aadya Sahu portraying Krishna and Sanvethaa embodying Radha. The vibrant depiction of Vrindavan, complete with the presence of the gopis, added a colorful ambience to the evening. The songs and dances, choreographed by the eighth-grade girls themselves, transformed the atmosphere of the event.

Samyra and Anvi served as the anchors, guiding the audience through the birth and life of Lord Krishna. The 15-minute show was initiated and supervised by Ms. Rekha V (HSM – Vindya – PS).

Inter House Poem Recitation Competition: A Triumph of Poetic Talent

On August 26, 2024, our school proudly hosted the Inter House Poem Recitation Competition, a celebration of poetic talent and expression among students. The event featured a distinguished panel of judges: Mr. Sanjay Sharma, Ms. Arundhati M, and Mr. Gopalakrishnan, who meticulously evaluated each performance.

The competition showcased a wide range of poetic styles, from the timeless works of Shakespeare to the evocative verses of Maya Angelou. One of the most memorable moments of the evening was the recital of Shambhavi Kaushal’s original poem, "Who is my Deity?" Her self-composed piece captivated the audience and highlighted the personal and emotional depth of her poetry.

Following thorough deliberation, the judges awarded the top honors as follows:

  • First Place: Adrika Zaara Arun for her outstanding and memorable performance

  • Second Place: Gopika S for her impressive and engaging recital

  • Third Place: Ezra Jovin for her commendable and thoughtful presentation

The overall House standings were:

  1. Nilgiri House – 220.5 points (First place)

  2. Sumeru House – 218.5 points (Second place)

  3. Aravalli House – 193 points (Third place)

The Inter House Poem Recitation Competition was a resounding success, underscoring the remarkable creative spirit and literary talent within our student body.

Special Assembly - Crime against Women and Children, and How We Can Become Change-Makers

On August 26, 2024, a special assembly was conducted at the Junior School by a group of students named "Change-Makers," in collaboration with the Counselor, Ms. Merlyn. The assembly focused on the significant and sensitive topic of ‘Crime against Women and Children, and How We Can Become Change-Makers.’

The participating students were:

  • Krisha Prasad (Class 6)

  • Dhhananjay Jain (Class 8)

  • Ananya Singh (Class 8)

  • Rajeev Tarade (Class 8)

  • Udai Singh Chauhan (Class 8)

  • Kavyaa Singh (Class 8)

  • Samyra Puri (Class 8)

The assembly opened with an introduction to the alarming rise in sexual assault cases in the country, as presented by the students. They shared recent data to highlight the severity of the issue, emphasising the urgency for change.

The students discussed the negative impact of certain movies and songs that objectify women and girls, fostering harmful attitudes in society. They also addressed the common practice of victim-blaming, explaining how survivors are often shamed rather than supported. They emphasised the importance of holding the right person accountable for crimes, rather than blaming the victim.

In a powerful conclusion, the students encouraged their peers to become role models and actively participate in creating a safer environment. The assembly concluded with the students taking a pledge to respect and protect the dignity of all individuals, committing themselves to be agents of positive change in their classrooms, dormitories, school and neighbourhood.

The assembly was a thought-provoking session, leaving a lasting impact on the students and faculty, and reinforcing the importance of standing up against crimes against women and children.

T.K. “Ranga” Rengarajan at The Lawrence School, Lovedale

On 25th August 2024, The Lawrence School, Lovedale had the distinct honor of hosting T.K. “Ranga” Rengarajan, Corporate Vice President of Data Platform, Cloud & Enterprise at Microsoft Corp, accompanied by Mr. Balamurugan (OL Batch of 1977). Their visit was a remarkable occasion for our senior students, spanning classes from 9th to 12th grade.

During the visit, Mr. Rengarajan engaged with the students in an inspiring and interactive session. He dedicated nearly an hour to addressing the students' numerous questions about the Data Platform and Cloud Enterprise divisions at Microsoft. His extensive knowledge and experience provided invaluable insights into these cutting-edge fields.

Mr. Rengarajan's discussion was not only informative but also highly motivational. He shared his vision for the future of technology, the strategic roadmap Microsoft is pursuing, and the significant transformations he is spearheading. His leadership talk was a compelling blend of technical depth and visionary thinking, leaving a lasting impression on the students.

The students were particularly enthusiastic about the opportunity to learn directly from a leader of Mr. Rengarajan's caliber. His ability to communicate complex concepts in an accessible manner, combined with his encouragement for students to pursue careers aligned with their passions, was both enlightening and inspiring.

Nature Studies - Club Activity

Venue: School Lake, Marshy Land, and Forest Trail


On Friday the 23, of August, the Nature Club organized an educational and adventurous visit to the school lake, adjacent marshy land, and the surrounding forest trail. Students were accompanied by Ms. Sashikala Radhakrishnan, teacher, Science faculty and in-charge of Nature studies, Ms. Sangita Jairam, Yoga teacher and an OL coordinator, and our school security person Mr. Ravi. The objective of the activity was to provide students with hands-on experience in observing and studying the local ecosystem, including flora and fauna native to these habitats.


Lake Visit:  

The visit began with an exploration of the school lake.  The serene environment of the lake provided an excellent opportunity for students to learn about the importance of aquatic ecosystems in maintaining biodiversity. Some students noted the presence of water birds, dragonflies, and a few aquatic plants.


Marshy Land Exploration:  

Following the lake visit, the group moved on to the marshy land adjacent to the lake. Here, students encountered a unique and diverse range of species adapted to wetland environments, such as frogs, marsh plants, and water birds. The marshy land served as an outdoor classroom, where students learned about the role of wetlands in water purification, flood control, and as a habitat for wildlife. They also witnessed our OL project. Removal and clearing of exotic species and planting native grasses.


Forest Trail Walk:  

The final part of the activity involved a walk through the forest trail. The dense vegetation and towering trees provided a refreshing environment for students to immerse themselves in nature. Along the trail, students observed various species of trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. The walk was educational and emphasized the importance of conserving forested areas as critical habitats for countless species.


While many people think of the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as a pesky weed, it is chock full of vitamins A, B, C, and D and minerals, such as iron, potassium, and zinc. Dandelion leaves add flavor to salads, sandwiches, and teas. The roots are used in some coffee substitutes, and the flowers are used to make wines.

In the past, dandelion roots and leaves were used to treat liver problems. Native Americans also boiled dandelion in water and took it to treat kidney disease, swelling, skin problems, heartburn, and upset stomach. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), dandelion has been used to treat stomach problems, appendicitis, and breast problems, such as inflammation or lack of milk flow. In Europe, dandelion was used in remedies for fever, boils, eye problems, diabetes, and diarrhea.


The nature study activity was highly successful in fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world among students. Through direct interaction with different ecosystems, the students gained valuable insights into the complexity and interconnectedness of nature. The hands-on experience will undoubtedly inspire them to take an active role in environmental conservation efforts.



- Future visits should include more time for in-depth study of each habitat.

- Consider organizing similar activities in different seasons to observe seasonal changes in the ecosystem.

- Incorporate more interactive elements, such as guided bird-watching or plant identification sessions by experts.


Overall, the activity was a meaningful experience that enriched the students' knowledge and connection to the environment.

Session on Dining Etiquettes

On August 23, 2024, a special session on Dining Etiquettes was conducted for the students of Girls School. The session, led by the Counselor, Ms. Merlyn, aimed to educate students on essential dining etiquette, covering various topics from proper body language to specific table manners.

The session was comprehensive and covered the following key areas:

  1. Body Language at the Dining Table: Students were taught the importance of maintaining proper posture and being mindful of their body language while seated at the dining table. This included the correct way to sit, the placement of hands and elbows.

  2. Facial Expressions: The session emphasised the significance of polite facial expressions during meals. Students were advised to avoid negative expressions that could be considered impolite or disrespectful.

  3. Avoiding Touching All Food: The importance of handling food with care and avoiding the habit of touching multiple pieces of food before selecting one was emphasised. This was highlighted as a key aspect of maintaining hygiene and respect for others at the table.

  4. Tea Etiquette: A segment of the session was dedicated to tea etiquette, where students learned about the proper way to handle teacups and stir tea.

  5. Dessert Etiquette: The session also covered dessert etiquette, where students were taught the correct technique for eating desserts.

The session was not only informative but also engaging and interactive. Students were encouraged to participate and share their views actively. Relevant videos on elegant dining habits were incorporated in the session.

Ms. Merlyn advised the students to be consistent in their practice, whether at home, in school, or in social settings, to ensure these etiquettes become second nature.

The Lawrence School Triumphs Again: U-19 Football Team Wins Inter-School Tournament

The Lawrence School U-19 boys' football team showcased their remarkable skill and dedication, clinching the championship once again in the Inter-School Football Tournament held at St. Joseph’s School, Coonoor on 24 August 2024. Their path to victory was challenging, as they navigated tough competition from Riverside Public School, Laidlaw School, and St. Joseph’s School in the league matches. They then advanced past International Community School in the semi-final and secured their victory in a thrilling final against St. Joseph’s School Coonoor, with the game ultimately decided in a penalty shootout.

The team’s success was driven by the exceptional goalkeeping of captain Rehan Abbas, whose performances were crucial in securing the title. Pratham Bikkani of Class 11 was distinguished with the Best Player of the Tournament award for his outstanding contributions on the field.

A special note of appreciation is due to Mr. Mohanamurali, the team’s dedicated coach. His strategic guidance and unwavering support were instrumental in the team's success, helping them to refine their skills and execute their game plan effectively.

In a poetic twist of fate, the victory echoes the achievements of the past. In 2001, Mr. DVS Rao, then a Mathematics teacher and football coach, led the U-19 team to a grand victory. Now, as Headmaster in 2024, Mr. Rao has once again played a pivotal role in guiding the team to triumph, continuing a legacy of success. This achievement is especially remarkable as the school has clinched the trophy consecutively in 2023 and 2024, creating a beautiful parallel in their ongoing tale of triumph and resilience.

Congratulations to the entire team for their relentless hard work and outstanding achievement.

Fostering Oratory Excellence: Junior School Inter-House Debate Competition       

"It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it." - Joseph Joubert.

The Junior School Inter-House Debate for the pupils of Classes VI, VII, and VIII was organized by the Department of English on Thursday, 17th August 2024, in the Junior School Activity Hall. The topic of the debate was "This house believes that Peer Pressure is constructive."

The competition provided a valuable opportunity for the orators from the four Houses to showcase their debating skills. The participants presented their arguments both in favor of and against the motion with exceptional confidence and poise, receiving applause for their compelling presentations.

The contestants were evaluated on content, expression, and fluency. The judges—Ms. Merlyn, Ms. Sangeetha Jairam, and Ms. Gopika (student judge)—commended the participants for their exemplary performances. The Headmaster, Mr. Rao, and the Deputy Headmaster, Mr. Rajan Narayanan, also lauded the speakers for their efforts.

As the competition drew to a close, it was inspiring to witness the debaters rise to the challenge of defending their positions. The event undoubtedly contributed to enhancing the confidence of these budding young debaters. It was an enlightening experience not only for the participants but also for the audience.

The results of the competition are given below:


  1. First       - Rajeev, 8B, Nilgiri House

  2. Second   - Aliya Sahoo, 8A, Vindhya House

  3. Third      - Aarna Dhanraj, 8C, Aravali House


  1. First          - Nilgiri house

  2. Second      - Vindhya House

  3. Third         - Aravali House

Inter-house Hindi Poem Recitation Competition

On Wednesday, 21 August 2024, an Inter-house Hindi Poem Recitation competition was organized by the II Language Department of The Lawrence School for the students of classes VI, VII, and VIII in the Junior School. The event showcased the linguistic skills and expressive abilities of the participants, with each recitation reflecting their passion and creativity.

The competition was a lively and engaging affair, with students from all four houses—Vindhya, Nilgiri, Aravalli, and Sumeru—participating with great enthusiasm. The event was judged based on clarity, intonation, expression, and pronunciation. The students demonstrated their fluency in Hindi and captivated the audience with their performances.


Results by Class:

Class VI:

  • First Position: Avishka Sharma (Vindhya House)

  • Second Position: Ahaan Johri Rane (Vindhya House)

  • Third Position: Param D (Nilgiri House)

Class VII:

  • First Position: Advik Mishra (Nilgiri House)

  • Second Position: Gaurika Rathore (Nilgiri House)

  • Third Position: Aarav Mittal (Vindhya House)

Class VIII:

  • First Position: Rajeev Tarde and Ananya Singh (Nilgiri House)

  • Second Position: Shadman Abbas (Aravalli House) and Divya Agrawal (Vindhya House)

  • Third Position: Shreeda Dewangan (Aravalli House)

Overall House Positions:

  • First Place: Nilgiri House

  • Second Place: Vindhya House

  • Third Place: Aravalli House

  • Fourth Place: Sumeru House

The competition not only provided an excellent platform for students to demonstrate their oratory skills but also emphasized the importance of language learning and cultural appreciation. The event concluded with words of encouragement from the teachers, who praised the students for their hard work and enthusiasm.

Tamil Inter-House Junior School Poem Recitation Competition

The Tamil Inter-House Poem Recitation competition for Junior School was held on the 21st of August 2024. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from around forty boys and girls, making the competition incredibly fierce and challenging to judge. Tamil students delivered outstanding performances, reciting a diverse range of Tamil poems across five distinct categories: Sangam, Bakthi, Sitrilakkiyam, Ikkala Ilakkiyam, Nattuppura Ilakkiyam, and the epic Silappathikara Kappiyam. Each participant showcased his/ her deep understanding and passion for Tamil literature, bringing the beauty and richness of the language to life. The audience was full of admiration for the students’ performances and appreciated the effort and dedication that each participant put into their recitation. 


The event was a tremendous success, reflecting the students’ love for Tamil literature and their exceptional talent in oratory.


Winners of the event 

Class VI                                                         

1. Aniruth   

 2. Krisha 

 3. Kamalika 



Class VII

5. Sanjive Kaarthik V. 

 6. S.S Dhanvantika 

 7. Aadhina Gunasekaran 


Class VIII

 8. Kishanth S. 

 9 V. Sanjith 

 10. Mithun

An Evening of Joy and Merriment

On Saturday, August 18, 2024, the senior boys enjoyed a day filled with entertainment and excitement at their cultural talent show. This event served as a dynamic platform for them to display their unique talents and skills, offering a constructive outlet for their energy. The boys showcased a diverse range of performances, including captivating dance routines, impressive band performances, heartfelt songs, and entertaining skits. The talent show was not just a source of enjoyment but also a testament to their creativity and enthusiasm.

AFS Domestic Exchange Program

Third AFS Domestic Exchange program was conducted between 11th to 17th August 2024. 24 girls from classes 7 and 8 went to Rajmata Krishna Kumari Girls Public School, Jodhpur and 20 girls of the same age group had come to The Lawrence School, Lovedale.

This exchange program enabled for intercultural learning on both sides which included various activities like dance, art and craft, trekking, sightseeing etc.

The Staff Badminton Team Triumphs at Sukesh Memorial Nilgiri District Badminton Tournament

On August 17, 2024, our staff badminton team achieved a remarkable victory at the Sukesh Memorial Nilgiri District Badminton Tournament, held at Anna Stadium. The tournament saw competitors from across the Nilgiris region battling it out in various age categories within the men's section.

Our badminton coach, Prakash C, excelled in the Over 35 Doubles Category, earning the Runners-Up trophy and showcasing his exceptional skills on the court.

Additionally, Dr. Raji Philip and Mr. Dilip Kumar distinguished themselves by securing the top spot in the Men's Over 50 Category. Their victory highlighted their extensive experience and unwavering determination, making us proud of their impressive performance.

Congratulations to all our players for their outstanding achievements!

Lawrence School Students Shine at Assam Valley School’s 'Cele Fiesta' Literary Fest 2024

On August 16, 2024, Assam Valley School hosted a literary fest, "Cele Fiesta 2024," via Zoom. This event, part of the Round Square initiative, focused on global connections and experiential learning. It provided a vibrant platform for a wide range of literary expressions and allowed participants to showcase their talents. Ten students from the  Lawrence School participated in the festival, guided by Ms. Divya Subramannian and Mr. Gijo Joseph.

The students engaged in various activities throughout the fest. Arushi and Ahana Rajput from Class IX participated in the "Become a Character" event. Advika, Ayaana of class IX , and Parvathi  from Class XII took part in the Music, Book, and Movie Club events, respectively. Adrika from Class IX and Aadhya Bhatnagar from Class XII presented their poetry. Tanisha Subhu engaged in the "Meet the Author" session. Keya Rawani and Aanya Ray, both from Class IX, performed together in the "Why I Did What I Did" event. The students' efforts were well-received, and they earned appreciation from the organizers. 


The fest proved to be an enriching experience, providing a valuable learning opportunity and fostering a love for literature among the participants

Celebrating Freedom: Lawrence School Marks 78th Independence Day with Dignity and Pride

Lawrence School, Lovedale, celebrated the 78th Independence Day on August 15th, Tuesday, with a distinguished ceremony marked by patriotism and reverence. The chief guest, Air Vice Marshal KV Surendran Nair, accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Priyadarshini Nair, was warmly welcomed by the Headmaster. A formal Guard of Honour was presented to the chief guest, setting a respectful tone for the proceedings. The event commenced with an engaging introduction of the Chief Guest by Parvathy from Class 12.Air Vice Marshal Surendran Nair performed the ceremonial flag hoisting, which was followed by a salute and the singing of the national anthem, a symbolic gesture that united everyone in a shared sense of patriotism.

The program continued with a series of student contributions, showcasing their talents and enthusiasm. Aanya Ray from Class XI delivered a compelling speech in English, reflecting on the significance of independence and the nation's progress. Rajeev from Class VIII provided a heartfelt address in Hindi, emphasizing the unity and diversity that define India. The school choir’s performance of a stirring patriotic song further enriched the celebration, moving the audience with its emotional resonance. Samrat of Class XI expertly managed the compering of the event, ensuring a smooth and engaging flow throughout the ceremony.

The event concluded with addresses from both the Headmaster and the chief guest. The Headmaster, Mr. Raoin his address honoured the sacrifices of those who fought for India's freedom, drawing attention to lesser-known heroes of the independence movement. He highlighted the contributions of Rani Velu Nachiyar, celebrating her role as an unsung hero of the struggle for freedom. The chief guest’s address was both inspiring and reflective, focusing on the themes of patriotism and national duty. The ceremony was brought to a close with a vote of thanks by the Head Boy, Vidhur, who expressed appreciation to all participants and attendees, providing a fitting conclusion to a memorable Independence Day celebration.

POCSO Awareness Session for New Students

On August 15, 2024, a significant session on the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act was conducted for the new students of classes 9 and 11 at Girls School. The session, led by the Counselor, focused on educating students about sexual abuse, the mechanisms available for reporting such incidents, and their rights under the POCSO Act.

The session for classes 9 and 11 covered several critical topics:


1. Types of Sexual Abuse:

The students were informed about the various forms of sexual abuse, including physical and non-physical abuse. The importance of recognizing these signs and understanding that abuse can happen in both public and familiar settings was emphasised.

2. Reporting Mechanism:

The Counselor explained the procedures for reporting sexual abuse, including whom to approach within the school, at home and the significance of immediate reporting. Students were assured that their safety and well-being are the school’s utmost priority.


3.Rights under the POCSO Act:

Students were educated about their legal rights under the POCSO Act, such as the right to report abuse without fear of retaliation, the right to have their identity protected, and the right to receive appropriate support.

4. Online Safety and Grooming Awareness:

The Counselor also addressed the topic of online safety, discussing how online groomers target vulnerable teens. Students were advised to practise discernment while sharing information online and to be cautious of interactions with strangers on the internet.

5. Self-Awareness and Encouragement:

The students were encouraged to be vigilant and self-aware, and not to blame themselves if they had faced any form of abuse in the past. The session aimed to empower them to speak up and seek assistance when needed.


To assess the students' understanding of the session, Peer Educators Emayaa P. from class 9 and Krishiv Agrawal from class 10, who work closely with the Counselor, Ms. Merlyn, conducted two quizzes. This interactive activity helped reinforce the key points discussed and ensured the students had a solid grasp of the topics covered.

In addition to the session for older students, age-appropriate sessions on the POCSO Act were conducted for new students in classes 5 and 6 through 8. These sessions were tailored to address the same topics in a manner suitable for younger audiences, ensuring they understood the importance of staying safe and being aware of their rights.

Teacher Training

A workshop was conducted by Ms. Merlyn M Fernandes for the teachers on 14th August 2024. The primary objective of the workshop was to sensitise teachers to the needs of students who are differently abled, particularly those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Learning Disabilities (LD), and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). The workshop aimed to equip teachers with the knowledge to identify signs of these conditions and provide effective support in the classroom and beyond. Teachers participated in group quizzes and discussions to reinforce learning.

The teachers expressed their appreciation for the practical and insightful content as well the engaging nature of the quizzes. They found the workshop to be highly beneficial in enhancing their understanding and ability to support students with special needs.

Welham Boys’ School Model United Nations Conference, Dehradun

A delegation of eleven students from The Lawrence School, Lovedale participated in the Model United Nations Conference held at Welham Boys’ School, Dehradun from August 8, 2024 to August 10, 2024. The Conference brought together students from 37 schools to engage in simulated international diplomacy.

Our students assumed the roles of delegates representing different countries. They actively participated in debates, formulated resolutions, and engaged in negotiation processes. Their preparation and understanding of international relations were evident in their contributions. They passionately discussed pressing global issues like the Arab-Israel Conflict, the threat of modern weapons, humanitarian aid in times of conflict and the control of strategic chokepoints in war like situations.

The students developed crucial skills in research, public speaking, and negotiation, while gaining a deeper understanding of global issues and international diplomacy. The experience enhanced their teamwork and leadership abilities, built confidence, and allowed them to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. Additionally, students forged valuable connections with peers from other schools, contributing to their growth as informed and engaged global citizens.

Key Achievements:

  1. Kamalini Ramesh – Outstanding Delegate (United Nations Historic Security Council)

  2. Gopika – Outstanding Delegate (United Nations Historic Security Council)

  3. Ananya Bhargava – Honorary Mention (Economic and Social Council)

  4. Vedang Gupta – Honorary Mention (INTERPOL)

  5. Aahan Lahoti – Verbal Mention (INTERPOL)

Fresher’s evening programme

 “Hide not your talents, they for use were made” -Benjamin Franklin

The Aravalli and Nilgiri Freshers' Evening Programme was organized in Prep School to welcome and showcase the talents of the new students who have joined this academic year. The event was held on the evening of Saturday, August 11th, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the Prep School Large Hall. Distinguished guests in attendance included Ms. Latha Rao, Dr.. Beena, Varghese, (DOA) Mr. Suresh (DOS), Prep School MIC, HSMs, AHSMs, and the students of the Prep School.

Aravalli House Programme:

The Aravalli House segment was hosted by comperes Kavyaa Singh and Gaurika, who were commended for their clarity and effective delivery. The programme commenced with an innovative classical dance performance by Class 5 students: Inosa Das, Vanya Arora, Hansika Agarwal, and Sharanya. This was followed by a captivating choir performance featuring Aviira, Navasri, Devanshi, Aaradiya, and Vaishnavi, which enthralled the audience with its melodious quality.

Further highlights included the display of artwork by Mithali Ganesh, a speech delivered by Ishanvi, and a poem recited by Samyuktha Menon. The evening reached a crescendo with a vibrant Western dance performance by Inosa Das, Vanya Arora, Hansika Agarwal, Sharanya, and the Class V boys—Jayden, Arihant, Gautam, and Leeladhar.

Nilgiri House Programme:

The Nilgiri House programme was characterized by its vibrancy and dynamic performances. It was compered by Samyra, Vaanya Chaudhary, Aaradhya, and Adhira. The event began with a graceful classical dance by Boinapalli Aaradhya. This was followed by an energetic rhythmic dance performance by the Nilgiri boys of Class 5.

The girls' choir delivered a melodious performance, and Seher captivated the audience with a blindfolded piano recital. Additionally, the Class V Nilgiri boys presented an engaging skit that demonstrated their creativity and teamwork. Ananya Singh presented a poem, and Samyra delivered a solo song.

The performances were highly appreciated by the guests. They expressed their admiration for the dedication and effort exhibited by the students of both the Aravalli and the Nilgiri Houses, acknowledging the excellence of the presented programme.

The event concluded with a lively group dance by the Nilgiri girls, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees.

Gardening in Junior School – Taking Our First Steps

On a not-so-sunny afternoon on 8 August 2024, Mr Swetank Prakash, Department of Humanities and Assistant Housemaster of the Sumeru House (JS) initiated the long-awaited introduction of gardening to the Junior School. The enthusiasm of a group of junior school boys marked the humble beginnings of this exciting endeavour.

Their first task was to rid the existing rows of flowers of unwelcome weeds. With dedication, the young boys quietly set about their task, carefully tending to the flower rows around the Junior School portico. It was a small but significant step towards realising a grand dream.

We look forward to the Junior School boys caring for the flowers and gardens in the days to come.

Sculpt 24 - Prep School

On 3rd August 2024, Sculpt 24” an inter-house Sculpture & Pottery Competition was held for the students of Prep School.  Each of the four schoolhouses was represented by two boys and two girls. This year’s theme invited students to create sculptures of any animal or bird of their choice. Over two hours, the students passionately worked on their pieces, transforming their creative visions into tangible art.

Overall, it was a much needed ice-breaking session after the long monsoon vacation.


A panel of senior students with a keen interest in sculpture, along with the subject teacher, had the difficult task of evaluating the impressive array of sculptures. The work was meticulously assessed based on its thematic interpretation, craftsmanship, and originality.

The competition showcased the remarkable talent and creativity of our young sculptors. Congratulations to all participants and winners for their exceptional contributions to Sculpt 24. The results are as follows:

Individual Positions:


Girls’ School Cultural Evening

A cultural evening was organised by the students of Girls’ School on August 3, 2024. The evening commenced with an invocation dance. The event was a joyful confluence of music, dance and drama from different parts of the country. Students got an opportunity to exhibit their varied talents and enhance their skills

Overall, it was a much needed ice-breaking session after the long monsoon vacation.

Commencement of the New Academic Session After the Monsoon Vacation

The new academic session commenced on July 26, 2024, following the Monsoon vacation. The day began with a general staff meeting, which was followed by a workshop for the academic staff.

The workshop, conducted by Mr. D V S Rao, the Headmaster, focused on pedagogical leadership as well as pedagogical strategies and techniques. This session aimed to enhance the staff's leadership capabilities and teaching methodologies in preparation for the upcoming academic year.

The event marked a productive start to the session, underscoring the institution's commitment to educational excellence and professional development.

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